We are the Irish Traveller Movement
Founded in 1990, ITM are a national membership-based Traveller organisation representing local, regional and national Traveller groups and organisations across Ireland.
What We Do
ITM works collectively to represent the views of Travellers and Traveller organisations at a national and international level. We develop policies, actions and innovative programmes to bring about change for Travellers in Ireland. We work to challenge the inequalities faced by Travellers by promoting Traveller participation and leadership locally and nationally, by developing and sharing best practice, developing evidence-based research to inform our work and building strategic alliances with all who are committed to a fairer Irish society.
Our Vision
An Ireland where Travellers are proud of their identity and with their ethnicity recognised, can achieve their fullest potential to play an active role in Irish society
Our Approach
We work to achieve equality for Travellers in all aspects of their lives
We will promote pride in Traveller culture & identity, within the community and to non-Travellers
We will ensure that our members are actively involved in and lead our work
We will produce evidence based solutions to address the issues affecting Traveller’s lives to positively impact on polices and laws that affect Travellers, especially in the National Traveller Roma Inclusion Strategy
We will develop innovative models to meet Travellers’ needs to achieve equality in Irish Society and support existing models to be mainstreamed
We will sustain, grow and build a dynamic organisation to carry out all aspects of the Strategic Plan
Our Principles
- Ensuring the active participation of Travellers in all aspects of the work of ITM: locally, regionally, nationally and internationally building a Traveller-led Movement
- Challenging structural and individual anti-Traveller racism
- Commitment to develop new innovative models to achieve change for Travellers
- The promotion of equality within the community by recognising and celebrating existing Traveller diversity by a commitment to creating specific spaces to meet the needs of LGBT Travellers, women, men, young, old traditional and non-traditional Traveller lifestyles
- Making Travellers’ rights visible as part of broader equality and human rights struggles in Ireland and ensuring Travellers are active in showing solidarity with other groups experiencing marginalisation

CHY: 14062
Registered Charity Number: 20045418